The Rise of One-Stop Shop SaaS Solutions for Small Business Management

In a perfect small business world, the bank around the corner that serves the local community would provide small business owners with all the tools they need to manage finances, payroll, accounting, and payments — the services SaaS platforms are now providing. Unfortunately, most of those local brick-and-mortar institutions have focused on larger commercial customers and left their small business clients struggling to find the services they need.
What I hear from small business owners, and what the Cornerstone Advisors report New Revenue Opportunities From Embedded Accounting confirmed, is that they want to have all their business tools in one place, including their accounting and finances. They don’t want to have to log in to multiple platforms to manage their small business.
Traditional banks haven’t done anything compelling to serve their small business customers, and those customers are tired of being treated like second-class citizens.
Who is stepping in?
Out of this lack of attention was born a multitude of SaaS fintech solutions targeting overworked and under-resourced small business owners challenged by the amount of time managing finances takes away from the time they need to devote to growing their businesses.
Nearly 6 in 10 business owners from the 750 surveyed for the Cornerstone Advisors report said their accounting functions are manual and labor-intensive. One in 5 said their accounting functions are poorly integrated with other financial functions.

Approximately 6 in 10 small businesses use vertical SaaS offerings like Shopify, Toast, or Jobber to manage their operations. Although some platforms offer finance management, most users are not fully satisfied. Nearly 75% of business owners reported they are likely or somewhat likely to seek another industry-specific software provider in the next 12 months.
The opportunity here is for these providers to make their platforms indispensable to customers by giving small business owners what they want: everything in one place.

Focus on the roadmap
Building an indispensable platform is not something that is accomplished overnight. But the right messaging and engagement with customers may convince many of them to stick around while new features are added.
The focus needs to be on creating a roadmap that, at the highest level, creates the customer-desired one-stop shop. While the report makes it crystal clear that this roadmap should include simplifying accounting for your small business customers, your roadmap needs to be dictated by your customers.
Every platform needs to survey its customers regularly to determine the key functions they desire and then set a timetable for when those functions will be added.
But platforms don’t need to waste time reinventing the wheel or raising the cash to do it. With APIs like Tight, new fintech features can seamlessly be added to an industry vertical platform. Focus on the components that are most important to customers. We frequently hear a need for embedded payroll, finance, accounting, payments, and invoicing.
There should be no debate over giving customers what they need and want. The only reasonable discussion might be the priority order. After you establish that priority order, research the best API companies to partner with. It’s not just about the technical solution they offer but the ongoing partnership they can provide to serve your customers best.
To learn more about what small businesses need and want and the opportunities for industry vertical platforms, download and read this recent report by Cornerstone Advisors: New Revenue Opportunities From Embedded Accounting.
To learn more about Tight’s API and how we help SaaS platforms deliver seamless and robust financial tools to their customers, check out our website or ping me. I love talking to people about how easy it can be to upgrade their platforms to serve their customers better.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or tax advice. It is not intended to be a substitute for obtaining accounting or other financial advice from an appropriate financial adviser or for the purpose of avoiding U.S. Federal, state or local tax payments and penalties.
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